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Oversight Committees

Page last updated on 10-07-2024.

Oversight Committees

Three committees provide governance oversight of the Channel Upgrade project capital dredge program:

The Compliance Regulatory Oversight Committee (CROC):

  • Review and approve plans that are required by approval conditions;
  • Provide regulatory advice as well as overseeing compliance with the approval conditions and the environment monitoring programs during capital dredging.

The Capital Dredging Implementation Committee (CDIC)

This committee will oversee the operational and logistical aspects of the capital dredge program.

The Independent Technical Advisory Committee (ITAC): 

Provides technical and scientific advice andinput on the development of monitoring programs, management plans and other mitigation strategies including the development of water quality and ecological trigger levels;

  • Ensures independent oversight of monitoring programs during the capital dredge campaign; and
  • Reviews reports on monitoring programs and the environmental impacts of the Channel Upgrade project. 

More about ITAC

The ITAC comprises of a Chair and four members who have diverse technical backgrounds and are recognised in their fields of expertise, as outlined in the table below. 

ITAC member 

Role/specialist area 


Dr Michael Rasheed



Dr Richard Brinkman 

Deputy Chair/Coastal hydrodynamics/sediment 

Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) 

Dr Ross Jones 

Coral reef ecosystems/ water quality 

Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) 

Prof Helene Marsh 

Marine megafauna 

Marine megafauna 

Mr Tom Atkins 


AW Maritime 

To ensure that any assessment process under the legislation is separate to any advice, engagement or review undertaken by the ITAC, no government representatives sit on this committee. The ITAC will, however, provide advice and input to the CROC as required.

Attending an ITAC meeting

With the approval of the Independent Chair, community members are able to attend public ITAC sessions as observers.

Observers may attend ITAC meetings by submitting a request to the Independent Chair via the online form below.  Observers may attend either as individuals or on behalf of an organisation. Anyone requesting an invitation to attend an ITAC meeting must agree to the terms and conditions of attendance.

Next ITAC public session - 30 April 2024

This will be held online and in person at the Port of Townsville from 3pm.

To register your interest, please complete the online form below.

Channel Upgrade ITAC Observer Registration

Observer to ITAC Meeting
Register your interest in attending the next ITAC meeting for the Channel Upgrade project
Please note the number of individuals attending in person may be capped in line with COVID-19 restrictions. Registrants will be accepted on a first-in, first-served basis.
Observers may participate in ITAC meeting discussions only at the invitation of the Independent Chair. • Observers will follow the direction of the Independent Chair during any ITAC meetings. • Attendees will adhere to normal meeting protocols • Members of the public may make written or verbal submissions to the ITAC if invited to do so by the Independent Chair.